Never Stop Moving | Women's Outdoor Recreation Nonprofit

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Climbing on Mount Erie

DATE: MARCH 27TH, 2021






A small, really fun group to share my inaugural outdoor Washington climb with! I live in the Bay Area but was staying with my sister in the Tacoma area for a couple months. I really wanted to make the most out of the flexibility that working-from-home offers but I wasn’t quite sure how I could make climbing work during my visit since I don’t know other climbers here. As an intermediate gym climber but somewhat beginner-intermediate outdoor climber, I always appreciate learning from other women, so I was so grateful that Megan from NSM responded to one of my posts in local women’s climbing Facebook groups and introduced me to such an inclusive and supportive organization!

We met at a lower parking lot at Mt. Erie and then drove to the top. It was overcast and pretty chilly at times but we got a break from recent rainy weather. I’m a Black woman and for me personally I value opportunities to create community with other women of color who climb, so I really appreciated the diversity of our little group of four. We introduced ourselves and our pronouns, shared our goals for the day, and I was delighted by Tiffany and Sonya’s commitment to and enthusiasm for helping us achieve those goals. That and so many other things, like the fact that we actually waited for each other during the approach and return (I’ve been left behind so many times by guys I’ve gone on trips with), felt so inclusive and supportive in ways that were incredibly meaningful to me.

The approach was a little confusing and we ended up doing a bit of circuitous hiking and backtracking, coupled with soliciting directions from another woman who’d been to the walls we were looking for. We made the most of it, though, taking in the views of the water, petting an adorable dog named Tabashka, and warming up our smearing skills with some steep scrambling. We finally made it to Orange Wall, which allegedly was “obviously” orange but I’m still not fully persuaded. Tiffany and Sonya led three routes on this slab wall so that Victoria and I could top-rope – I had initially wanted to lead but the routes were a little bit exposed, so that was just enough for my nerves to convince me I’d be really happy to just top-rope. We climbed and snapped photos – so nice to climb with other women who understand how to compose a great climbing shot and the value of that for the socials!  – and the others let me rant about online dating during our midday snack. Oddly, the third route was rated the hardest (Agent Orange, a 5.9+) but I found it the most enjoyable. (Least favorite award goes to Orange Peel, the more exposed 5.8 that had me saying “nope!” but even that one made me feel really accomplished at the top.)

Then we switched over to Madrone Wall, which was much more recessed from the edge of the cliff on which Orange Peel sits, to climb a couple 5.8s. Sonya and I negotiated a compromise wherein I would try leading but had permission to bail if needed. My goal was to get 3 clips and I ended up doing 5 – yay! Sonya gently encouraged me to go further but knew when to acquiesce to my decision to finally come down. The second 5.8, to the left, had a weird start that made Tiffany’s initial lead a little sketch for a minute, but on top-rope I LOVED the start because it gave me confidence that I could flawlessly execute some fairly technical moves for that grade.

We finished our climbs with Sonya and Victoria cleaning, and Sonya helped Victoria practice that task. After a very rigorous hike and scramble, we made it back to the parking lot. All in all a joyful and supportive day. I’m so grateful I got to climb with this special group and I hope to do so again the next time I stay in Washington!